[RELEASED] Codename "Externalator"

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[RELEASED] Codename "Externalator"

Postby RapsterUK » Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:35 pm

RetroX Externalator is public now!

This version supports using external emulators so you can try new features being developed or enjoy closed source/paid emulator that may bring better performance or features, like Real3DO or DuckStation. Note that RetroX exclusive features like cloud saves, autoconfig or borders are not available when using external emulators, so you will have the same limitations that all other frontends have.

We will continue adding officially supported emulators for RetroX, we can think of at least Amstrad CPC, GameCube and Naomi and an updated PSP emulator, but as always, that will take some time, that's another reason why we added support for external emulators now.

Finally, if you want to try the external emulators, they are disabled by default. Go to Settings -> Emulator Settings to enable them.

We hope you enjoy it!
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