Any way to use a Raspberry Pi 4B?

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Any way to use a Raspberry Pi 4B?

Postby esmith13 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:30 pm

As the tital says, can a Pi 4B be used?
LineageOS 16 (Android Pie) is available for the Pi 4.

Any steps I could follow to try it out or test images you may have in progress?

Thanks in advance for any info.

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Re: Any way to use a Raspberry Pi 4B?

Postby fcatrin » Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:48 am

My image (Frambu) was created because the public one had some bugs that RetroX needed to be fixed. But if there is an update image you can try that one. So you can try that public image and install RetroX as any other APK. Please let us know if that works
Franco Catrin
RetroX developer

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